My Wish
0Wednesday, September 10, 2014 by Adinda Medina
They say when you write down your wish, there's a big chance that it might come true.
So here I will write my wishes.
I want to be fluent in Japanese so I could pursue my education further in that Land of the Rising Sun.
I want to see you, whoever you are, the one destined with me, in one of the street in Kyoto,
under the cherry blossom tree in Spring,
by chance,
I see you like a boy sees his favourite toy
You see me like a girl see her favourite flower
I want to go to Enoshima Island,
to the love lock bridge
I will write on the padlock,
"To my future children, Mommy will always love you".
Then Disneyland. With my best friend,
To fulfil our childhood fantasy,
our silly promise but never taken for granted
I want to get married,
with you. Whoever you are.
I hope you are as weird as me
And we find each other in the same signal of weirdness
Because if I'm ever lucky enough to find a weirdo, I probably will not let them go
I want to go for Hajj.
Fulfilling my religious duty, visiting Your house.
Asking for forgiveness
To the stupid mistake I did last time I came to Your house.
And for all my sins, before and after.
I want to make my parents happy.
And prove them that they have raised their children right.
Not perfect, not flawless.
Flawed enough to let us make our own mistakes
Imperfect in choosing our choices
Getting consequences, fail
And try again.
Thank you for teaching me to say thank you
To be kind to others, to be tough on yourself.
Thank you for the love.
Last but not least,
When everything is said and done.
When every choices are choosen
When we leave this Sekai
I want to go to Jannah.
To the house of the Pious
though I know I'm not worth it.
About Me
- Adinda Medina
- Too much imagination and thought in my head that I can't spill them out all in words.
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